About Muhammad Saqib
Male dj Muhammad Saqib from Pakistan, famous due to radio |
FM 100 DJ
Muhammad Saqib DJ Pictures Interview Biography
Date & Place Of Birth: 19th March, D.I.Khan.
Star Sign: Pieces.
Profession: Business.
First Live Show On Air: 28th Dec, 2003.
Motive In Life: Cross the limits to know the limit.
Any Inspiration In Life: .
If Not a Dj Then…: MD FM100 .
Most Expensive Thing In Life: Character and image.
Why FM100? Good to start with.
Favorite Voice: Shafi Muhammad.
Favorite Dish: All masculine dishes.
Favorite Location in Pakistan: D.I.Khan, my city.
Favorite Dress: 2 Piece.
Favorite Movie: Ghost (love story).
Favorite Music: .
Which Thing Makes You Smile? Beauty (both inner and outer). |
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